Soft Boiled Eggs in Air Fryer Recipe: Quick & Easy!

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Soft boiled eggs in the air fryer can be cooked perfectly at 275 degrees F for 10 minutes, and for medium boiled eggs, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes. To stop the cooking process, transfer the eggs to an ice bath immediately.

1. Preparing The Air Fryer

To prepare soft boiled eggs in your air fryer, simply add the eggs to the basket, leaving some space for air circulation. Cook for about 10 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit, then transfer to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

Enjoy your perfectly soft-boiled eggs!

Preheating The Air Fryer:

Before cooking soft-boiled eggs in the air fryer, it’s important to preheat the appliance. Follow these steps to ensure your air fryer is ready to go:

  • Plug in the air fryer and confirm that the temperature dial is set to the off position.
  • Open the air fryer basket and remove any accessories or racks.
  • Place the air fryer basket back into the air fryer, ensuring that it is securely in place.
  • Set the temperature to the desired setting, typically around 275 degrees Fahrenheit for soft-boiled eggs.
  • Allow the air fryer to preheat for about 3-5 minutes or until the indicator light turns on, indicating that it has reached the desired temperature.

Preparing the air fryer properly will ensure that your soft-boiled eggs cook evenly and to perfection. Once the air fryer is preheated, you can move on to the next step of adjusting the temperature settings.

Adjusting The Temperature Settings:

Once your air fryer is fully preheated, it’s time to adjust the temperature settings to cook your soft-boiled eggs. Follow these steps to set the temperature correctly:

  • Check the user manual for your specific air fryer model to determine the temperature settings for soft-boiled eggs.
  • Turn the temperature dial or select the desired temperature using the digital controls.
  • Set the temperature to around 275 degrees Fahrenheit for soft-boiled eggs.
  • Allow the air fryer to adjust to the new temperature setting for a few seconds before proceeding with cooking.

By adjusting the temperature settings accurately, you’ll ensure that your soft-boiled eggs are cooked to your desired level of doneness. Remember to account for any variations in cooking time based on your air fryer model and personal preferences.

Enjoy Perfect Soft-Boiled Eggs Made Effortlessly In Your Air Fryer!

2. Boiling The Eggs In The Air Fryer

Boiling eggs in the air fryer is a quick and easy way to achieve perfectly soft-boiled eggs. Simply cook them at 275 degrees F for 10 minutes, then transfer to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. For a slightly firmer yolk, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes.

Placing The Eggs In The Air Fryer:

  • Gently place the desired number of eggs directly into the air fryer basket.
  • Ensure that the eggs are evenly spaced and not touching each other.
  • Be careful not to stack the eggs on top of each other to allow for even cooking.

Setting The Cooking Time:

  • Depending on the desired level of doneness, adjust the cooking time accordingly.
  • For soft boiled eggs, set the air fryer to 275 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for approximately 10 minutes.
  • If you prefer medium boiled eggs, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes.
  • It’s important to note that cooking times may vary depending on the specific air fryer model, so it’s a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.

Checking The Doneness Of The Eggs:

  • Once the cooking time is up, carefully remove the eggs from the air fryer using oven mitts or tongs.
  • Immediately transfer the eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking process and cool them down quickly.
  • Gently tap each egg on a hard surface to crack the shell, then peel it off carefully.
  • Check the consistency of the yolk to ensure that it meets your desired level of doneness.
  • If the eggs are not cooked to your preference, you can adjust the cooking time accordingly for your next batch.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy perfectly soft boiled eggs cooked in the air fryer. Experiment with different cooking times to achieve your desired level of doneness and enjoy a delicious breakfast or snack option.

3. Serving And Enjoying Soft-Boiled Eggs

Serving and enjoying soft-boiled eggs in the air fryer is a quick and easy way to achieve perfectly cooked eggs. Cooked at 275 degrees F for 10 minutes, these eggs are soft and jammy, with a slightly runny yolk.

Soft Boiled Eggs In Air Fryer

Are you a fan of soft-boiled eggs? If so, you’ll be thrilled to know that you can make them perfectly in an air fryer! We’ll cover everything you need to know about serving and enjoying soft-boiled eggs. From peeling the eggs to seasoning options and serving suggestions, we’ve got you covered.

Peeling The Eggs:

Peeling boiled eggs can be a bit tricky, but with these tips, you’ll have perfectly peeled eggs every time:

  • Gently tap the egg on a hard surface to crack the shell.
  • Start peeling from the wider end of the egg, where there’s usually an air pocket.
  • Peel the shell under running water to help remove any stubborn bits.
  • If you’re having trouble peeling, try rolling the egg gently between your hands to loosen the shell.

Seasoning Options For Soft-Boiled Eggs:

Soft-boiled eggs have a delicate flavor that can be enhanced with various seasonings. Here are a few options to try:

  • Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the eggs for a classic seasoning.
  • Drizzle a little bit of soy sauce or tamari for a savory twist.
  • Add a pinch of paprika or chili powder for some heat.
  • Experiment with different herbs such as chives, dill, or parsley for added freshness.

Serving Suggestions For Soft-Boiled Eggs:

Soft-boiled eggs can be enjoyed in various ways, making them a versatile addition to any meal. Here are a few serving suggestions to inspire you:

  • Serve the eggs on top of buttered toast for a simple and satisfying breakfast.
  • Pair soft-boiled eggs with a salad for a light and nutritious lunch.
  • Use them as a filling for sandwiches or wraps for a protein-packed meal.
  • Chop the eggs and sprinkle them over a bowl of ramen or noodle soup for added texture and flavor.
  • Make a traditional egg and soldiers dish by serving the eggs with strips of toast for dipping.

Now that you know how to peel soft-boiled eggs, options for seasoning, and serving suggestions, you can enjoy this delicious and versatile dish in the air fryer. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or a snack, soft-boiled eggs are a fantastic addition to any meal.

Get creative and try different seasonings and serving ideas to find your favorite way to enjoy these perfectly cooked eggs.

Soft Boiled Eggs in Air Fryer Recipe: Quick & Easy!


Frequently Asked Questions Of Soft Boiled Eggs In Air Fryer

How Do You Soft Boil An Egg In An Air Fryer?

To soft boil an egg in an air fryer, set the temperature to 275 degrees F and cook for 10 minutes. Transfer to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

How Long Does A Boiled Egg Take In Airfryer?

Cooking time for boiled eggs in an Airfryer can vary. For soft boiled eggs, cook for around 8-10 minutes.

Can You Cook Soft Boiled Eggs In The Air Fryer At 150 Degrees?

Yes, you can cook soft boiled eggs in the air fryer at 150 degrees.

Can You Boil An Egg In An Air Fryer Without Water?

Yes, you can soft boil an egg in an air fryer without water. Set the temperature to 275 degrees F and cook for 10 minutes. Place the eggs in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.


To wrap up, cooking soft boiled eggs in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy this classic breakfast staple. With just the right amount of runny yolk and perfectly cooked whites, these eggs are a delicious addition to any meal.

By following the recommended cooking time of 10 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit, you can achieve the ideal soft boiled egg texture. Remember to transfer the eggs to an ice bath immediately after cooking to stop the cooking process and ensure the perfect consistency.

If you prefer your eggs slightly more set, you can increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes for a medium boiled egg. The air fryer’s ability to circulate hot air evenly around the eggs ensures consistent and reliable results every time.

So go ahead and enjoy a plate of soft boiled eggs made in the air fryer for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

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