Soft Boiled Egg Air Fryer: Quick and Easy Method

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Cooking soft boiled eggs in an air fryer is simple and convenient. Set the air fryer to 275 degrees F, then cook the eggs for 10 minutes for a perfect soft boiled result.

Transfer the eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. For medium-boiled eggs, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes. Air frying eggs is a quick and easy method for achieving perfectly cooked soft boiled eggs every time.

There’s no need to worry about a pot of boiling water or precise timing on the stove. With the air fryer, you can enjoy delicious soft boiled eggs with a runny yolk and a creamy texture in no time. So let’s explore how to make soft boiled eggs in an air fryer and enjoy this protein-packed breakfast option.

Why Use An Air Fryer For Soft Boiled Eggs?

With an air fryer, you can easily achieve perfect soft boiled eggs in just 10 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. No more guesswork or boiling water necessary – simply transfer the eggs into an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

Soft-boiled eggs are a delicious and versatile option for breakfast, brunch, or even as a topping for salads. While traditionally, soft-boiled eggs are cooked on the stove, using an air fryer can offer several benefits.

Air Fryer Benefits:

  • Quick and Efficient Cooking: One of the top advantages of using an air fryer for soft-boiled eggs is the speed and efficiency it offers. Air fryers are known for their rapid heat circulation, which means your eggs can cook faster than traditional methods.
  • Precise Temperature Control: Air fryers allow you to have better control over the cooking temperature. With a consistent and even heat distribution, you can achieve the perfect soft-boiled eggs every time.
  • No Monitoring Required: Unlike stovetop cooking, where you need to keep an eye on the boiling water, using an air fryer for soft-boiled eggs requires minimal monitoring. Simply set the desired temperature and cooking time, and the air fryer will do the rest.
  • Less Mess and Cleanup: Cooking soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer means you don’t have to deal with boiling water or messy stove cleanup. The air fryer basket or tray can be easily cleaned with warm soapy water or placed in the dishwasher.
  • Versatile Cooking: Air fryers are not just limited to cooking eggs. You can also use them to prepare a variety of other dishes, from crispy fries to juicy chicken wings. This makes it a versatile appliance to have in your kitchen.
  • Healthier Option: Compared to traditional deep-frying methods, air frying requires little to no oil, making it a healthier choice for cooking soft-boiled eggs. You can still achieve a crispy outer shell without the excess oil.

Using an air fryer for soft-boiled eggs offers convenience, precision, and faster cooking times. With its versatility and easy cleanup, it’s no wonder why many people are opting for this method. So, if you’re looking to enjoy perfectly cooked soft-boiled eggs without the hassle, give your air fryer a try!

How To Soft Boil Eggs In An Air Fryer

To soft boil eggs in an air fryer, set the temperature to 275 degrees F and cook for 10 minutes. Transfer the eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. For medium boiled eggs, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes.

Air fryers are not just for making crispy fries and juicy chicken wings. They can also be used to achieve perfectly soft-boiled eggs with a delightful runny yolk. If you’re wondering how to soft boil eggs in an air fryer, follow these simple steps:

Preparing The Eggs:

To start the process of making soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer, follow these steps:

  • Place the desired number of eggs in a single layer in the air fryer basket.
  • Make sure the eggs are at room temperature for even cooking.

Setting The Air Fryer Temperature:

The right temperature is crucial to achieve perfectly soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Set the air fryer temperature to 275 degrees Fahrenheit (135 degrees Celsius).
  • Preheating is not required for this method.

Adjusting Cooking Time:

The cooking time will determine the consistency of your soft-boiled eggs. Follow these guidelines:

  • For soft-boiled eggs with a runny yolk, cook them at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes.
  • If you prefer your eggs to be more set but still jammy, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes.

Transferring The Eggs To An Ice Bath:

To stop the cooking process and achieve the perfect soft-boiled texture, follow these steps:

  • Once the cooking time is up, immediately transfer the eggs to an ice bath.
  • Fill a bowl with cold water and add ice cubes.
  • Carefully place the eggs in the ice bath and let them cool for a few minutes.

That’s it! You’ve now successfully soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer. Peel the eggs and enjoy them on their own, or use them to top salads, toast, or any dish that calls for a soft-boiled egg.

Tips For Perfect Soft Boiled Eggs

Cooking soft boiled eggs in an air fryer is a breeze! Set your air fryer to 275 degrees F and cook the eggs for 10 minutes for a perfect soft boiled result. Just remember to transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

Fresh Vs. Room Temperature Eggs:

  • Fresh eggs that are straight from the refrigerator can result in slightly undercooked soft-boiled eggs when cooked in the air fryer. This is because it takes longer for the cold eggs to reach the desired level of doneness.
  • Room temperature eggs, on the other hand, will cook more evenly and result in perfect soft-boiled eggs. It is recommended to let the eggs sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking them in the air fryer.

Cooking Time Variations:

  • If you prefer your soft-boiled eggs to be runny with a slightly jammy center, cook them in the air fryer at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes.
  • For medium-boiled eggs with a center that is more set but still jammy, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes.
  • Remember to transfer the eggs to an ice bath immediately after cooking to stop the cooking process and prevent them from overcooking.

Extra Seasoning Options:

  • Once you have cooked your soft-boiled eggs in the air fryer, there are various seasoning options to enhance their flavor.
  • Sprinkle a pinch of salt and black pepper over the eggs for a classic and simple seasoning.
  • Drizzle a bit of soy sauce or tamari over the eggs for a savory and umami flavor.
  • Add a sprinkle of chili flakes or hot sauce for a spicy kick.
  • Experiment with different herbs such as dill, chives, or parsley to add freshness to the eggs.
  • Personalize your soft-boiled eggs by adding a dollop of mayonnaise, a squeeze of lemon juice, or a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese.

Remember to take into account your personal preferences and dietary restrictions when choosing seasoning options for your soft-boiled eggs. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors to find your perfect combination!

Soft Boiled Egg Air Fryer: Quick and Easy Method


Frequently Asked Questions For Soft Boiled Egg Air Fryer

How Do You Soft Boil An Egg In An Air Fryer?

To soft boil an egg in an air fryer, preheat the fryer to 275 degrees F and cook for 10 minutes. Transfer to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

How Long To Boil Eggs In Air Fryer Time?

For hard-boiled eggs, cook in the air fryer at 270 degrees F for 15 minutes. For soft-boiled eggs, cook for 10 minutes, and for medium-boiled eggs, cook for 12 minutes.

Can You Cook Soft Boiled Eggs In The Air Fryer At 150 Degrees?

You can cook soft boiled eggs in the air fryer at 150 degrees for 10 minutes.

What Temperature Do You Cook Eggs In The Air Fryer?

To cook eggs in the air fryer, set the temperature to 275 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for 10 minutes for soft-boiled eggs.


To achieve perfectly soft-boiled eggs in an air fryer, the cooking process is simple and efficient. At a temperature of 275 degrees Fahrenheit, 10 minutes is the ideal cooking time to achieve soft-boiled eggs. However, if you prefer a slightly firmer yolk while still maintaining a jammy texture, increase the cooking time to 12-13 minutes for medium-boiled eggs.

It’s crucial to transfer the eggs to an ice bath immediately after cooking to halt the cooking process and ensure they are easy to peel. The air fryer provides a convenient and hassle-free way to cook soft-boiled eggs with consistent results every time.

Whether you enjoy them on their own or as an accompaniment to your favorite dishes, using an air fryer allows you to achieve perfectly cooked eggs with minimal effort. So go ahead and enjoy these delicious and nutritious soft-boiled eggs made effortlessly in your air fryer!

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