How to Cook Fries in Air Fryer: Mastering Crispy Perfection!

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To cook fries in an air fryer, simply coat the cut pieces of potatoes with about one tablespoon of olive oil and place them in the basket of the air fryer. No need to preheat the air fryer or add additional oil.

The air fryer will create crispy and delicious fries in just a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods. Enjoy a healthier version of everyone’s favorite snack!

1. Choosing The Right Potatoes

To cook fries in an air fryer, it is important to choose the right potatoes. Look for russet or Yukon gold potatoes as they have a starchy texture that crisps up well in the air fryer, resulting in perfectly cooked fries.

Different Potato Varieties For Different Textures:

  • Russet potatoes: Known for their high starch content, russet potatoes are ideal for making crispy fries. They have a fluffy texture inside and a crispy exterior.
  • Yukon gold potatoes: These potatoes have a lower starch content compared to russet potatoes. They are great for making fries with a creamy and buttery texture.
  • Sweet potatoes: If you prefer a healthier option, sweet potatoes are a great choice. They have a slightly sweet flavor and produce fries with a soft interior and crispy exterior.

Best Potatoes For Crispy Fries:

  • Russet potatoes: With their high starch content, russet potatoes are the top choice for achieving crispy fries. The starch helps to create a fluffy interior while the high heat of the air fryer promotes a crispy exterior.
  • Yukon gold potatoes: While not as crispy as russet potatoes, Yukon gold potatoes still produce fries with a golden and crunchy exterior. They have a creamy texture inside and a delicious flavor.
  • Fingerling potatoes: Fingerling potatoes are small in size and have a firm texture. They make great crispy fries, thanks to their thin skin and buttery flavor.

Remember, the choice of potato will ultimately depend on personal preference. Experiment with different varieties to find the one that suits your desired texture and taste.

2. Preparing The Potatoes

To prepare the potatoes for cooking fries in an air fryer, simply slice them into thin strips and toss them in a tablespoon of olive oil until coated. This step ensures that your fries come out crispy and delicious.

Washing And Peeling The Potatoes:

  • Start by washing the potatoes thoroughly under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Use a vegetable peeler to peel the skin off the potatoes. Make sure to remove any brown or green spots as well.
  • Rinse the potatoes again to get rid of any remaining peelings.

Cutting The Potatoes Into Fries:

  • After peeling the potatoes, place them on a cutting board.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut the potatoes into thin, evenly-sized strips. Aim for a thickness of about 1/4 inch.
  • Alternatively, you can use a french fry cutter to make the task easier and achieve uniform fries.

Soaking The Potatoes To Remove Excess Starch:

  • Once you have cut the potatoes into fries, transfer them to a large bowl of cold water.
  • Allow the potatoes to soak for about 30 minutes. This step helps to remove excess starch and results in crispier fries.
  • After soaking, drain the water and pat the potatoes dry using a paper towel.

Remember, washing and peeling the potatoes, cutting them into fries, and soaking them are crucial steps in preparing delicious and crispy fries in an air fryer. By following these steps, you can ensure that your fries turn out perfectly cooked and irresistibly tasty.

3. Seasoning And Cooking The Fries

To season and cook fries in an air fryer, coat them with one tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle with your favorite seasoning. Place the fries in the air fryer and cook for the recommended time until they are crispy and golden.

Seasoning And Cooking The Fries

Tossing the fries with oil and seasonings:

  • Before cooking your fries, toss them in a bowl with a drizzle of oil and your favorite seasonings. This ensures that every fry is evenly coated for maximum flavor.
  • Pro tip: Use a neutral oil like vegetable or avocado oil, as they have a high smoke point that won’t affect the taste.

Preheating the air fryer:

  • Preheat your air fryer for a few minutes before cooking the fries. This helps to create a crispier texture and even browning.
  • Set the temperature to around 400°F (200°C) and let the air fryer heat up until it reaches the desired temperature.

Placing the fries in the air fryer basket:

  • After preheating, place the seasoned fries in the air fryer basket. Make sure to spread them out in a single layer to avoid overcrowding. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly and ensures that each fry gets crispy.

Setting the cooking time and temperature:

  • Set the cooking time and temperature according to the type and thickness of your fries. For thin-cut fries, start with around 10 minutes at 400°F (200°C), while thicker-cut fries may require 15-20 minutes.
  • It’s essential to adjust the cooking time and temperature based on your preferences and the desired level of crispiness.

Shaking the basket halfway through cooking:

  • To ensure that the fries cook evenly, halfway through the cooking time, open the air fryer and gently shake the basket. This helps to redistribute the fries and promotes even browning on all sides.
  • Be careful not to burn yourself and try to handle the basket with oven mitts or tongs.

Testing the doneness of the fries:

  • To check if the fries are cooked to perfection, remove one fry and taste it. It should be golden brown and crispy on the outside while tender on the inside.
  • If the fries are not fully cooked, place them back in the air fryer for a few more minutes until they reach your desired level of crispiness.

Serving the fries with your favorite dipping sauce:

  • Once the fries are done, transfer them to a serving plate and serve them hot with your favorite dipping sauce. Whether it’s ketchup, mayo, or a special homemade sauce, the flavorful combination will take your air fryer fries to the next level.
  • Enjoy your crispy, homemade fries without the greasiness of traditional deep frying!

Remember, experimenting with different seasonings and cooking times will allow you to find your perfect air fryer fry recipe. So, get creative and enjoy the deliciousness!

How to Cook Fries in Air Fryer: Mastering Crispy Perfection!


1. Choosing The Right Potatoes: Achieving Crispy Perfection

Achieve crispy perfection by choosing the right potatoes for cooking fries in an air fryer. Follow these guidelines to ensure your fries turn out deliciously crispy every time.

Different Potato Varieties For Different Textures: The Ultimate Guide

When it comes to cooking fries in an air fryer, choosing the right potatoes is essential in achieving that crispy perfection. Not all potato varieties are created equal, and each type has its own unique texture and taste. Here’s a guide to help you determine which potato variety is best suited for your air-fried fries:

  • Russet Potatoes: Known for their high starch content, russet potatoes are the go-to choice for achieving that classic, crispy fry texture. These potatoes have a fluffy interior and a thick skin, making them perfect for cutting into thick wedges or steak fries.
  • Yukon Gold Potatoes: If you prefer a slightly creamier and buttery texture in your fries, then Yukon gold potatoes are the way to go. These potatoes have a golden skin and a buttery yellow interior. They work well for both thin and thick-cut fries.
  • Red Potatoes: Red potatoes have a waxy texture and a slightly sweet flavor. While they may not be the first choice for traditional fries, they can still be air-fried to create crispy and flavorful fries. Red potatoes are great for smaller-sized fries or for adding a pop of color to your dish.
  • Sweet Potatoes: For a healthier twist on the classic fries, consider using sweet potatoes. They have a soft and creamy texture and a slightly sweet flavor. Sweet potato fries can be air-fried to achieve a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft interior.
  • Fingerling Potatoes: Fingerling potatoes are small, elongated potatoes that come in a variety of colors. They have a firm texture and a nutty flavor. While they may not be the typical choice for fries, they can be air-fried to create delicious and unique fries with a slightly different texture.

Best Potatoes For Crispy Fries: Secrets To Achieving Perfection

To achieve perfectly crispy fries in your air fryer, here are some secrets to keep in mind when selecting potatoes:

  • Look for potatoes with a high starch content, such as russet or Yukon gold potatoes. These varieties tend to have a drier texture, which helps in achieving crispiness.
  • Opt for larger-sized potatoes, as they are easier to cut into uniform fry shapes.
  • Store your potatoes in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness and prevent sprouting.
  • Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly before cutting them into fries to remove excess moisture.
  • Soak the cut potatoes in cold water for about 30 minutes to remove excess starch, which can make the fries soggy.
  • After soaking, pat the potatoes dry with a kitchen towel to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Preheat your air fryer to ensure even cooking and crispy results.
  • Toss the cut potatoes in a bit of oil to promote browning and crispiness. Use a high smoke point oil like canola or avocado oil.
  • Season the fries with your favorite spices and seasoning before air-frying for added flavor.
  • Shake or flip the fries halfway through the cooking process to ensure even browning.

Remember, the key to achieving crispy perfection lies not only in selecting the right potato variety but also in following proper preparation techniques. Experiment with different types of potatoes and cooking methods to find your favorite version of air-fried fries.

2. Preparing The Potatoes: Essential Steps For Success

Learn how to cook fries in an air fryer with essential tips for success. Follow these guidelines to prepare the potatoes perfectly and achieve crispy and delicious results. No need to worry about excessive oil or messy frying – the air fryer method is quick, easy, and yields fantastic fries every time.

Washing And Peeling The Potatoes: A Crucial First Step

Before you begin cooking your fries, it’s essential to wash and peel the potatoes properly. This ensures that the fries turn out clean and free of any dirt or residue. Here are the key steps to follow:

  • Wash the potatoes under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin from the potatoes. Make sure to peel off any blemishes or damaged areas.
  • Rinse the peeled potatoes again to remove any lingering dirt or peel remnants.

Remember, clean and peeled potatoes are the foundation for delicious and crispy fries.

Cutting The Potatoes Into Fries: Size And Shape Matter

The next crucial step in preparing fries in an air fryer is cutting the potatoes into the right shape and size. Paying attention to the size and shape ensures even cooking and crispy results. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Start by cutting off the ends of the potatoes to create a flat surface for stability.
  • Slice the potatoes lengthwise into 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick sticks. Aim for consistency in size to ensure even cooking.
  • If desired, further cut the long sticks into shorter ones for bite-sized fries.

By cutting your potatoes into uniform sticks, you’ll achieve fries that cook evenly and have a satisfying crunch.

Soaking The Potatoes To Remove Excess Starch: The Secret To Crispy Fries

Soaking the potatoes in water is a crucial step to remove excess starch, resulting in extra crispy fries. This step is often overlooked but can make a significant difference in the texture of your fries. Follow these steps to soak your potatoes:

  • Place the cut potatoes in a large bowl and cover them with cold water.
  • Let the potatoes soak for 30 minutes to 1 hour, changing the water once or twice during the process.
  • Drain the potatoes and pat them dry using a clean kitchen towel or paper towels.

Soaking the potatoes helps remove the surface starch, which can lead to soggy fries. This secret step is what makes the fries in your air fryer perfectly crispy on the outside while remaining tender on the inside.

3. Seasoning And Cooking The Fries: Mastering The Technique

Discover the ultimate technique for seasoning and cooking fries in an air fryer, perfecting the crispy and flavorful results every time. Learn how to avoid common mistakes and achieve restaurant-quality fries in the comfort of your own home.

Tossing The Fries With Oil And Seasonings: Enhancing Flavor And Crispiness

  • Coat the fries evenly with a drizzle of oil to ensure they crisp up nicely.
  • Sprinkle your favorite seasonings, such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, or paprika, over the fries.
  • Toss the fries gently to make sure they are fully coated with the oil and seasonings.

Preheating The Air Fryer: Optimal Temperature For Perfect Fries

  • Preheat your air fryer to the recommended temperature of 400°F (200°C) for crispy and evenly cooked fries.
  • This step helps the fries to cook faster and ensures a golden exterior while maintaining a soft interior.

Placing The Fries In The Air Fryer Basket: Arranging For Even Cooking

  • Arrange the fries in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring that they are not overcrowded.
  • Leaving space between the fries allows hot air to circulate evenly, resulting in uniformly cooked fries.
  • If necessary, cook the fries in batches to avoid overcrowding.

Setting The Cooking Time And Temperature: The Right Balance For Crispy Perfection

  • Set the cooking time according to the thickness of the fries. Thinner fries may require a shorter cooking time, while thicker fries may need more time.
  • Start with a moderate cooking time of around 15 minutes and adjust as needed.
  • It’s essential to find the right balance between cooking time and temperature to achieve crispy perfection.

Shaking The Basket Halfway Through Cooking: Ensuring Even Browning

  • Shake the air fryer basket halfway through the cooking time to ensure even browning on all sides of the fries.
  • This step helps to prevent any side from becoming overcooked and promotes a consistently crispy texture.

Testing The Doneness Of The Fries: Achieving The Perfect Texture

  • After the recommended cooking time, check the fries for doneness.
  • Use a fork or a toothpick to pierce one or two fries. They should be golden brown and crispy on the outside while remaining tender on the inside.
  • If the fries need more time, continue cooking in short intervals until they reach the desired texture.

Serving The Fries With Your Favorite Dipping Sauce: Adding A Delicious Finishing Touch

  • Once the fries are cooked to perfection, transfer them to a serving dish.
  • Serve the fries with your favorite dipping sauces, such as ketchup, mayonnaise, aioli, or ranch dressing, to enhance the flavor even more.
  • Dipping the fries adds a tasty finishing touch to your air-fried masterpiece. Enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Cook Fries In Air Fryer

How Long Do Fries Take In An Air Fryer?

Fries in an air fryer take approximately 20 minutes to cook.

How Do You Cook Frozen Fries In An Air Fryer?

To cook frozen fries in an air fryer, simply preheat the air fryer to 400°F and place the frozen fries in the basket. Cook for about 15-20 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through, until the fries are crispy and golden brown.


Do I Put Oil In My Air Fryer For Fries?

For fries cooked in an air fryer, you only need about one tablespoon of olive oil. Coat the cut pieces and place them in the basket.

Can You Put Raw Potatoes In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can put raw potatoes in an air fryer with a small amount of oil.

Can You Make Crispy Fries In An Air Fryer?

Yes, air fryers can make crispy fries. The hot air circulation helps to achieve that perfect crunch without deep frying.


When it comes to cooking fries in an air fryer, you don’t need much oil to achieve that crispy and delicious result. Simply coating the fries with about one tablespoon of olive oil is enough before placing them in the air fryer basket.

The air fryer technology helps to evenly distribute heat and promote a crispy exterior while keeping the inside tender. Whether you’re making shoestring fries or thick-cut wedges, the air fryer is a great tool to achieve that perfect texture. Experiment with different seasonings and flavors to customize your fries to your liking.

From classic sea salt to dried dill weed or nutritional yeast, the possibilities are endless. So, toss those potatoes, bring out your air fryer, and enjoy a batch of perfectly cooked fries that are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.

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