Frozen Burrito in Air Fryer: Transform Your Meal with Crispy Perfection!

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Cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to enjoy a tasty meal. Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees, place the frozen burritos inside with some space between each one, and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, flipping them several times for even cooking.

Make sure to check the inside with an Instant-Read Thermometer to ensure it’s thoroughly warmed. With this method, you can have delicious frozen burritos ready to eat in no time. No need to defrost them beforehand, just pop them in the air fryer and enjoy.

Benefits Of Cooking Frozen Burrito In An Air Fryer

Cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer offers several benefits, including a crispy exterior and a flavorful, evenly heated filling. With no need for defrosting, you can have delicious freezer-to-table burritos in just 10-15 minutes.

Cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer offers several advantages over traditional cooking methods. With its hot circulating air, the air fryer creates a crispy texture and golden brown exterior that enhances the overall taste and presentation of the burrito.

Here are the key benefits of using an air fryer to cook your frozen burritos:

  • Crispy texture and golden brown exterior: The hot air circulation in the air fryer ensures that the frozen burrito becomes deliciously crispy on the outside, providing a satisfying crunch with every bite. The result is a visually appealing burrito with a perfectly golden brown exterior.
  • Retains moisture and flavor of the fillings: Despite the crispy exterior, the air fryer manages to retain the moisture and flavor of the fillings inside the frozen burrito. This means that you’ll still be able to enjoy the juicy meat, melted cheese, and tasty seasonings without sacrificing texture or taste.
  • Quicker and more convenient than traditional cooking methods: Using an air fryer to cook frozen burritos significantly cuts down on cooking time compared to traditional methods like oven baking or stovetop heating. Air frying allows for faster and more efficient cooking, making it perfect for those busy weeknight meals when you need a quick and easy dinner option.
  • Evenly cooked burritos: The air fryer’s circulating hot air ensures that the frozen burritos are evenly cooked from all sides. You don’t have to worry about one side being undercooked or burnt while the other side remains frozen or cold. The consistent heat distribution promotes thorough cooking, resulting in perfectly heated burritos every time.
  • Less oil and healthier alternative: Cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer requires minimal to no oil, making it a healthier alternative to deep-frying or pan-frying. The air fryer uses hot air to cook the burrito, reducing the need for excessive oil while still achieving crispy results.
  • Easy cleanup: Air fryers are known for their easy cleanup process. Most air fryer baskets and trays have a non-stick coating that prevents food from sticking, making it effortless to clean up after cooking your frozen burritos. Simply remove the basket or tray, wash it with warm soapy water or put it in the dishwasher, and you’re done.
  • Versatile cooking options: In addition to cooking frozen burritos, an air fryer can be used to prepare a variety of other foods. From crispy fries and chicken wings to roasted vegetables and even desserts, the air fryer offers versatility in the kitchen.

By utilizing the air fryer to cook your frozen burritos, you can enjoy a crispy, flavorful meal in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional cooking methods. Its convenience, even cooking, and health benefits make the air fryer a fantastic tool for preparing delicious frozen burritos at home.

How To Cook Frozen Burrito In Air Fryer

Cooking a frozen burrito in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy a delicious meal. Simply preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees, place the frozen burrito inside, and cook for 10 to 12 minutes, flipping occasionally for even cooking.


When it comes to cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer, you can achieve a deliciously crispy and evenly cooked result. Follow these simple steps to enjoy a perfectly cooked frozen burrito:

Preheating The Air Fryer To 400 Degrees:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that the burritos cook evenly and develop a crispy exterior.

Placing The Frozen Burritos In The Air Fryer:

  • Place the frozen burritos in the air fryer basket, leaving some space between each one. This allows for proper air circulation and ensures that the burritos cook evenly.

Cooking For 10 To 12 Minutes, Flipping Several Times:

  • Cook the frozen burritos for 10 to 12 minutes in the air fryer. To achieve an even cook on the outside, flip the burritos several times during the cooking process. This helps to crisp up all sides of the burrito and prevent any potential sogginess.

Ensuring The Inside Is Warmed Thoroughly With An Instant-Read Thermometer:

  • To confirm that the inside of the burrito is warmed thoroughly, use an Instant-Read Thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the center of the burrito, checking for a temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This ensures that the burrito is cooked and safe to eat.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a delicious and convenient meal by cooking frozen burritos in an air fryer. Whether you’re in a hurry or want a quick and easy dinner option, the air fryer is a great tool to achieve a crispy and flavorful result.

Give it a try and enjoy your perfectly cooked frozen burrito!

Tips For Perfectly Crispy Frozen Burrito In Air Fryer

To achieve a perfectly crispy frozen burrito in an air fryer, preheat the fryer and cook at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes, flipping occasionally. No need to defrost the burrito before cooking. Enjoy delicious freezer burritos in just a few minutes!


For a perfectly crispy frozen burrito in the air fryer, follow these tips:

  • Leaving space between each burrito for even cooking:

When placing the frozen burritos in the air fryer basket, make sure to leave some space between each one. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly around each burrito, resulting in a crispy texture.

  • Avoiding overcrowding the air fryer basket:

Overcrowding the air fryer basket can lead to uneven cooking and soggy burritos. It’s best to cook the burritos in batches if needed, ensuring that there is enough room for the air to flow around each burrito.

  • Using non-stick cooking spray or parchment paper for easy removal:

To prevent the burritos from sticking to the air fryer basket, spray it with non-stick cooking spray or line it with parchment paper. This will make it easier to remove the burritos once they are cooked.

  • Adjusting cooking time and temperature based on the size of the burrito:

The cooking time and temperature may vary depending on the size and thickness of the frozen burrito. It’s important to refer to the packaging instructions and adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly. This will ensure that the burrito is heated through and crispy on the outside.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a perfectly crispy frozen burrito cooked to perfection in your air fryer.

Frozen Burrito in Air Fryer: Transform Your Meal with Crispy Perfection!


Frequently Asked Questions On Frozen Burrito In Air Fryer

How Long Do You Cook Frozen Burritos In Air Fryer?

Preheat air fryer to 400 degrees. Place frozen burritos in air fryer and cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping occasionally. Use an Instant-Read Thermometer to check if the inside is warmed thoroughly.

Can I Cook A Frozen Burrito In An Air Fryer?

Yes, you can cook a frozen burrito in an air fryer. Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees, place the frozen burritos in the fryer, and cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping occasionally. Enjoy your crispy and delicious burritos in no time!

Can You Air Fry El Monterey Frozen Burritos?

Yes, you can air fry El Monterey frozen burritos without defrosting them. Preheat the air fryer to 400 degrees, place the frozen burritos in the basket, and cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping them occasionally for even cooking. Enjoy them in just 10-15 minutes!

How Long To Air Fry Frozen Burritos At 400?

Preheat air fryer to 400 degrees. Place frozen burritos in the air fryer with space between each. Cook for 10-12 minutes, flipping several times for even cooking. Check inside with an Instant-Read Thermometer to ensure thorough warming.


When it comes to cooking frozen burritos, using an air fryer is a game-changer. The air fryer not only gives you a quick and convenient way to cook your burritos, but it also ensures that they come out perfectly crispy on the outside and hot and delicious on the inside.

No more soggy microwaved burritos. Just preheat the air fryer, pop in the frozen burritos, and in just 10-15 minutes, you’ll have a satisfying meal ready to enjoy. Plus, the air fryer method is much healthier than deep frying, as it requires little to no oil.

Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a tasty dinner, the air fryer is your best friend when it comes to cooking frozen burritos. Give it a try and elevate your burrito game to new heights!

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